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Beyond Clicks: How Indie Author Magazine Gets Your Brand in Front of Serious Authors

When it comes to Indie Author Magazine, we’re not exactly doing things the way you’d expect. You know those websites that boast about how many page views they get or how many people share their articles? Yeah, that’s not really us. We prefer a more direct approach. In fact, our website is just one small part of what we do—sort of like the bread roll before a big, juicy steak. It’s there, but it’s not the main course.

Let’s Talk Distribution: Beyond the Website

Sure, websites are great, but the internet is a noisy place. If we relied solely on it, we’d be like those people shouting into the wind. Instead, we’ve gone old school—and a little new school too—by offering both print and e-pub versions of the magazine. Think of it as a more intimate way of reaching readers, a little like sending them a personal invitation rather than a blanket social media post everyone scrolls past.

And because we like to keep good company, we’ve partnered with some heavy hitters in the indie publishing world—Bookfest, ALLi (that’s our friends at the Alliance of Independent Authors), and Author Nation, to name just a few. Our content is syndicated to these fine folks, and it works like a charm. It’s a bit like having a VIP pass that gets us (and you) into all the right places.

Apps, Podcasts, and All the Fun Stuff

Oh, and if you’re thinking, “But I bet they don’t have an app,” well, think again! We’ve got apps on iOS and Google Play. Because what’s more convenient than having all your indie author content on your phone while you’re pretending to be productive during a meeting? We’re also on all the usual podcast platforms, because sometimes it’s just easier to listen to things while you’re doing the dishes or going for a walk. (Multitasking, anyone?)

All of this is to say we’re everywhere—and we’re making sure that your brand is, too. We’re not just one of those multi-author blogs that get lost in the shuffle. Our readers are loyal, engaged, and paying attention. So, if you’re looking for massive page views, well, we might not be the right fit — although we do have more than 700 articles on the site, and they do get some Google love. But if you want to connect with a seriously targeted and motivated audience, then keep reading.

Social Media? It’s Fine, but We’ve Got Better Ideas

Now, don’t get me wrong, we love a good cat meme as much as anyone, but social media isn’t where we focus most of our attention. Why? Because, statistically speaking, only about 2-6% of traffic comes from those platforms. That’s like trying to squeeze a gallon of water out of a teaspoon. Instead, we spend our time cultivating partnerships with groups that actually make a difference—Bookfunnel, Draft2Digital, ProWritingAid, and Reedsy, to name a few.

These folks have communities full of authors who are actively looking for tools and resources. We provide subscriptions to the magazine as a benefit of their membership — it’s a win/win. When we pop up in those spaces, it’s like being at the right party, mingling with all the cool kids. And if you’ve got something to offer them, we’ll make sure they see it.

Print Isn’t Dead—Far From It

Now, let me tell you about our not-so-secret weapon: print copies. We partner with Lulu (that’s the publishing platform, not your Aunt Lulu) to create beautiful, glossy magazines that get handed out at over 130 conferences and meetups every year. Yes, you read that right—130! We’re talking big events like Author Nation, Self-Publishing Show Live, NINC, Toronto Indie Author Conference, and more.

So, while everyone else is fighting for attention in the digital space, we’re busy putting Indie Author Magazine directly into the hands of authors, publishers, and all those other publishing types. It’s like skipping the line and heading straight to VIP. Your ad in print? It’s going to the people who are actually looking for what you offer—no algorithms or distractions involved.

What’s Next? More Fun, More Platforms

Because we never sit still for long (seriously, do we even sleep?), we’re diving into video content next. Think webinars, product tours, and other engaging formats that our readers can’t get enough of. Oh, and we’re getting our TikTok up and running too—because why not? Everyone loves a good short video these days, right?

Plus, we’re rolling out a daily article app soon, so our readers can get their fix of indie author goodness every day. And if that’s not enough, we’ve got Indie Author Training and Direct2Readers coming out of beta. These platforms offer even more ways for us to connect with indie authors, which means even more eyes on your ads.

So, What Does This Mean for You?

It means that if you’re looking for the usual “post an ad and hope for the best” approach, you might want to try elsewhere. But if you’re interested in a more creative, targeted, and, dare I say, fun way to reach indie authors, then you’re in the right place.

We’re not just putting your message out there and hoping someone clicks it. We’re handing it directly to the readers, both digitally and in person, at events where people actually care about indie publishing. And we’re doing it across multiple channels—print, apps, podcasts, webinars, and more. So, what do you say? Ready to join us?